Saturday, December 6, 2014


One of our favourites in a summer bento, whenever we go on day trips is quesadilla !! :)) yamm!

As you probably know, quesadilla is made with vegetables and cheese, all mixed up between 2 flat breads. Mine is no exception, although right now I´m on a gluten free diet so I would probably try some buckwheat or flax seeds flour , the one in these pictures is made with normal wheat flat bread.


1 red bell pepper chopped

1 yellow bell pepper chopped

1 avocado chopped

1cup of chopped spinach or kale

5 green onion chopped

2 medium sized tomatoes chopped in cubes (the smallest the better, if you ask me)

parsley, cilantro, etc according to your taste add some more greens

cheese as much as you want in order to "bond" together the mixture with the two breads (I usually use 2types of cheeses, emmentaler and gouda cheese)


Mix all the ingredients in a bowl.

In a large frying pan grill your breads for a minute on each side if you like them crispy if not skipp this. Place one bread in the pan and add one layer of cheese then the vegetable mixture as much as you want and top with cheese and place the second bread on the mixture. On medium -low heat with a lid on preferably fry the quesadilla on each sides untill the cheese is melted and the two breads are bonded. Make sure you press the breads from time to time to help them stick to eachother.

That`s it! I kept it in the refrigerater for 2weeks, it probably lasts longer but I dear you keep them longer!!! :)

greek yoghurt, pureed garlic to taste, mustar, a tsp of curcurmin powder or fresh pureed if you have.

Mix the ingredients and add salt and pepper to taste.

Happy cooking!

Food pics:)

Snap.Over. pictures I like. over. :) of stuff that I cooked!